Smith, J.L., A. Bailey, J. Udelhoven and J. White. 2012. Marine protected areas in Washington – a gap analysis to characterise protection. The Nature Conservancy, Seattle, WA. 26 pp.
Vander Schaaf, D., D. Kelly, K. Popper, and J. Smith. 2011. Pacific Northwest Marine Ecoregional Assessment. The Nature Conservancy. Portland, OR. 67 pp.
Agostini, V., M. Anderson, C. Burns, P. Doran, J. Fargione, C. Groves, L. Hanners, J. Hoekstra, R. Marshall, S. Morrison, S. Palmer, D. Shaw, J. Smith and J. Ward. 2011. Stepping up to the Challenge: A Concept Paper on Whole System Conservation. The Nature Conservancy. Boulder, CO. 6 pp.
Smith, J.L., C.P.H. Mulder and J.C. Ellis. 2011. Seabirds as Ecosystem Engineers: Nutrient Inputs and Physical Disturbance. In: Seabirds Islands: Ecology, Invasion and Restoration (Eds. W.B. Anderson, P.J. Bellingham, C.P. Mulder and D.R. Towns). Oxford University Press. New York, NY.
Smith, J.L. 2008. Avian habitat selection and foraging behaviour during breeding. School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington. PhD dissertation. 108 pp.
Smith, J.L., N.R. Parker, K.H. Morgan, L.K. Blight, M.J. Chutter, P.J. Hodum, T. Mawani and D. C. Cunnington. 2007. Recovery Strategy for the Short-tailed Albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) and Pink-footed Shearwater (Puffinus creatopus) in Canada [Draft]. Species at Risk Act Recovery Strategy Series. Environment Canada, Ottawa. 52 pp.
Smith, J.L. and J.K. Parrish. 2006. Riparian or riprap: abundance, distribution and habitat use of common mergansers on a hydroelectric reservoir, Columbia River, WA. In: Parrish, J.K. (Ed.). Avian Predation Final Report: 2002-2004. Report to the Chelan County Public Utility District, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Parrish, J.K., F.K. Wiese and J.L. Smith. 2006. Dams as avian predator attractors and the efficacy of predator control strategies. In: Parrish, J.K. (Ed.). Avian Predation Final Report: 2002-2004. Report to the Chelan County Public Utility District, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Parrish, J.K., L.Tear, J.L. Smith and F.K. Wiese. 2006. Breeding vs foraging: factors affecting the distribution and abundance of gulls on the mid-Columbia River. In: Parrish, J.K. (Ed.). Avian Predation Final Report: 2002-2004. Report to the Chelan County Public Utility District, University of Washington, Seattle, WA.
Smith, J.L. Island invasives. 2006. A Closer Look: Invasive Species on the Queen Charlotte islands. In: Boersma, P. D., S. E. Reichard, and A. N. Van Buren (Eds.). Invasive Species in the Pacific Northwest. Seattle and London: University of Washington Press, Seattle, WA.
Blight, L.K., J.L. Smith and J. Cooper. 2006. COSEWIC Assessment and Status Report for Black-footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes) in Canada. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. 71 pp.
Smith, J.L., and N. Parker. 2006. Draft Recovery Strategy for Short-tailed Albatross (Phoebastria albatrus) and Pink-footed Shearwater (Puffinus creatopus) in Pacific Canadian Waters. Environment Canada. Sidney, BC. 31 pp.
Gaston, A.J., S.A. Stockton and J.L. Smith. 2006. Species-area relationships and the impact of deer-browse in the complex phytogeography of the Haida Gwaii archipelago (Queen Charlotte Islands), British Columbia. Ecoscience.13(4): 511-522.
Fraser, J. and J. Smith. 2006. Alaska Seabirds. Laminated field guide for U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 6 pp.
Seattle Audubon Society. 2006. Great blue heron, Ardea herodias: Ecology and Conservation. Seattle Audubon Society, Seattle, WA. 12 pp.
Stockton, S.A., Bobechko, L., I. Buttler and J.L. Smith. 2005. Menzies’ pipsissewa, Chimaphila menziesii: a widespread but previously overlooked species on Haida Gwaii. Canadian Field Naturalist.
Smith, J.L. and K.H. Morgan. 2005. A Review of Seabird Bycatch in the Longline and Net Fisheries in British Columbia, 1995-2002. Technical Report Series No. 401, Canadian Wildlife Service, Pacific and Yukon Region. 50 pp.
Wiese, F. and J.L. Smith. 2003. Mortality Estimates and Population Effects of Canada’s Pacific Longline Fisheries on Black-footed Albatross (Phoebastria nigripes): National and International Implications. In: DFO-CWS National Working Group [Eds.]. Status Report and Future Directions Towards the Development of a National Plan of Action for the Reduction of Incidental Catch of Seabirds in Domestic and Foreign Longline Fisheries in Canadian Waters. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences No. 2471. pages 23-50.
Smith, J.L. and K.D. Hyrenbach. 2003. Galapagos Islands to British Columbia: seabird communities along a 9000 km transect from the tropical to the subarctic eastern Pacific Ocean. Marine Ornithology. 31:155-166.
Smith, J.L. and A.J. Gaston. 2003. Limestone Island Research: Methods Manual v.3. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society. 62 pp.
Smith, J.L. 2003. Breeding records of birds of prey on East Limestone Island since 1990. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.] Laskeek Bay Research 12, Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Smith, J.L. 2003. Rare plants on East Limestone Island: a four year update. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.] Laskeek Bay Research 12, Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Cameron, R. and J.L. Smith. 2003. Lichens of East Limestone Island: the first checklist. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.] Laskeek Bay Research 12, Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Fraser, J. and J. Smith. 2002. Pacific Coastal Birds. Laminated Field Guide for Environment Canada. 2 pp.
Smith, J.L. 2002. Cavity and bark nesters on East Limestone Island. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.]. Laskeek Bay Research 11, Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Gaston, A.J. and J.L. Smith. 2001. Changes in oceanographic conditions off northern British Columbia (1983 – 1999) and the reproduction of a marine bird, the Ancient Murrelet (Synthliboramphus antiquus) Canadian Journal of Zoology. 79:1735-1742.
Hazlitt, S.L. and J.L. Smith. 2001. Adult Black Oystercatcher banding in Laskeek Bay: a report of a pilot project. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.] Laskeek Bay Research 10, Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Smith, J.L. 2000. Marine bird monitoring at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. Lester Pearson College of the Pacific, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and Ministry of Environment. 18 pp.
Smith, J.L. 1999. Methods Manual for East Limestone Island: Research Protocol. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society.
Smith, J.L. 1999. Identification of birds at sea: observer-training manual. Environment Canada. 26 pp.
Smith, J.L. 1999. Biodiversity monitoring in Clayoquot Sound: a field methods manual. Long Beach Model Forest Society, BC.
Smith, J.L. 1999. Glaucous-winged colony counts in Laskeek Bay. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.]. Laskeek Bay Research 9. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Smith, J.L. 1999. Trends in Ancient Murrelet burrow occupation on East Limestone Island, 1990-1997. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.]. Laskeek Bay Research 8. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Smith, J.L. and C.D. French. 1999. At-sea observations of Ancient Murrelet families in 1998. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.]. Laskeek Bay Research 9. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Smith, J.L. and I. Buttler. 1999. First record of Menzie’s pipsissewa, Chimaphilla menziesii, on Haida Gwaii. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.]. Laskeek Bay Research 9. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Smith, J.L., C.D. French and A.J. Gaston. 1999. The effects of the 1997-98 El – Niño on Ancient Murrelets in Haida Gwaii. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.]. Laskeek Bay Research 9. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Smith, J.L., C.D. French and G. Ellis. 1999. Orca sightings in Laskeek Bay: new information on transient and northern residents. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.]. Laskeek Bay Research 9. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Smith, J.L. and I. Buttler. 1999. Plants on East Limestone Island, with a particular emphasis on the occurrence of rare and uncommon species. In: Gaston, A.J. [Ed.]. Laskeek Bay Research 8. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society, BC.
Dechesne, S.B.C. and J.L. Smith. 1997. Wildlife Inventory on Haida Gwaii 1994-1996. Prepared for Coast Forest Management and Husby Group of Companies. Victoria, BC. 49 pp.
Smith, J.L. 1995. A Synthesis: Fluoride Monitorning Programs in the Kitimat Valley, BC 1971-1995. Ministry of Forests, British Columbia. 60 pp.
Smith, J.L. 1995. Life history, survivorship, and parasitoid complex of the jumping gall wasp, Neuroterus saltatorius, on Garry oak, Quercus garryana. M.Sc. Thesis, Univ of Victoria. 99 pp.
Smith, J.L. 1993. A description of the biology of the jumping gall wasp on Garry oak and possible natural controls In: Hebda, R.J. and F. Aitkens [Eds.]. Proceedings of the Garry Oak Meadow Colloquium. Garry Oak Meadow Preservation Society. Victoria, BC.
Smith, J.L. and A.J. Gaston. 2003. Limestone Island Research: Methods Manual v.3. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society. 62 p.
Smith, J.L. 2000. Marine bird monitoring at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve. Lester Pearson College of the Pacific, Department of Fisheries and Oceans, and Ministry of Environment. 18 pp.
Smith, J.L. 1999. Methods Manual for East Limestone Island: Research Protocol. Laskeek Bay Conservation Society.
Smith, J.L. 1999. Identification of birds at sea: observer-training manual. Environment Canada. 26 pp.
Smith, J.L. 1999. Biodiversity monitoring in Clayoquot Sound: a field methods manual. Long Beach Model Forest Society, BC.