Long-term Monitoring

Black Oystercatcher eggs

From 1996 to 2002, I collected data for long-term monitoring projects and revised/developed comprehensive research methods manuals to support long-term monitoring efforts for seabirds, shorebirds, old-growth forests, breeding songbirds, cavity nesters, marine mammals, endangered species, and other species or ecosystem components in Canada and the USA.

Beginning in 1996, I assessed a fluoride monitoring program for the Alcan smelter in Kitimat BC for Ministry of Environment.  In 1997, I worked with Coast Forest Management to complete a comprehensive wildlife inventory for Marbled Murrelets nesting on Haida Gwaii and assess overlap with existing and proposed forest harvesting operations.

In 1999, I partnered with the Long Beach Model Forest in Ucluelet, BC to develop a biodiversity monitoring guide and field methods manual for use in Clayoquot Sound.  In 2000, I worked with Pearson College UWC to develop a marine bird monitoring program at Race Rocks Ecological Reserve primarily for Black Oystercatchers and Pelagic Cormorants.

From 1999 to 2002, I developed and revised a comprehensive methods manual for over 20 long-term monitoring programs for Laskeek Bay Conservation Society’s marine and terrestrial programs on Limestone Island.  With data collection beginning in 1990, the Society contributes important datasets for marine birds, mammals, shorebirds, cavity nesters, birds of prey, and introduced species.  Lastly, from 2002 onwards, I have advised Canadian Wildlife Service and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service biologists regarding long-term trends for the Black-footed Albatross.

I have authored over a dozen technical reports to summarise long-term monitoring trends, written five monitoring methods manuals, and advised Canadian and US government agencies on the status of albatross and shearwaters. This work has been used to assess candidate species, endangered and vulnerable species, and educational programs for conservation.

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